In memory of Malayan heroes in the resistance movement against Japanese invasion 1941-1945″
Memorial Malayan People’s Anti-Japanese Army (MPAJA) yang telah didirikan tanpa persetujuan kerajaan negeri dan pusat, tetapi tetap juga didirikan yang kini menjadi pusat penyembahan di Taman Peringatan Nilai, walaupun telah dipertikaikan oleh tokoh-tokoh sejarah sebelum ini, akan peranan MPAJA dalam memperjuangkan kemerdekaan. MPAJA didakwa oleh sesetengah pihak sebagai pejuang kemerdekaan, wal hal sebenar tidak. MPAJA adalah sayap Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM) yang bercita-cita tinggi untuk menguasai Tanah Melayu apabila Jepun menyerah kalah. Wujudnya parti berhaluan kiri ini disebabkan oleh permusuhan mereka dengan Jepun, bukan soal memerdekakan Tanah Melayu.
(Petikan dari http://redhuan
(Bacalah petikan dari manusia durjana yang menyokong perjuangan Komunis dan BUTA SEjarah)
DAP SG Lim Guan Eng led a delegation to pay respect to the anti Japanese army heroes this morning. They also stage a protest in front of the monument to warn the Umno racists like Zam and Mohamad Hasan not to divert the attention of Malaysians. Lim said that the people in general are now pretty upset with the burden of inflation and high cost of living thanks to the Umno-led Government.
Meanwhile, NS Menteri Besar Mohamad Hasan has retracted his order of demolition through the Chiarman of NS Chinese Assembly Hall according to Merdekareview. And Zam has claimed that he has explained his case to MCA and he wanted the matter to rest at that. Both of them should be bold enough to admit their mistakes and they would not raise the issue again.
(Bacalah ulasan dari kaum yang kononNYA tidak Rasis)
sampalee Says:
December 22, 2006 at 3:06 am | Reply
Knowledge of history is not the problem.Umno know the facts.With the SB working overtime,they probably know what we have for supper.Thier intention[ploy] is to sap your resources shadow boxing and leave you spent,when they go to the poll.Do not be tempted to display our so call intellect and argue needlessly.Just note the sandiwara and remain single minded to the ONLY REAL task at hand.Deatroy the mother of all evil-umno.All problems big or small will sort itself out with the demise of umno.Wake-up malaysians to the evil of umno
fly Says:
April 25, 2009 at 9:50 pm | Reply
Malay dont know about history, their brain formatted by some party.
they always claim that malaysia dependent is their contribution…..
but PKM n anti japan army are the one who help malaysia dependant fr british…they sitting in office n took away ppl contributions
(Untuk lebih lanjut bacalah....wordpress ronnieliu...)
KAMU tidak pernah berterima kasih pada UMNO dan Melayu, Kamu juga sering mengingkari perintah dan larangan yang di keluarkan. Kamu sering memPROVOK kami. Sampai bila kita akan bersabar..bangunalah wahai GERTAK..kami akan sentiasa membantu.
Wahai bangsaKU Melayu..ingatlah JIKA mereka memerintah..sudah pasti mereka akan menukar SEJARAH Tanah Melayu dan Agamanya sekali. Contoh,,Temasek.Insaflah wahai BangsaKu yang berada di PKR DAP GERAKAN...lihatlah dirimu umpama Keldai Hitam. By M69.
PRU15 - JANJI KJ (Full Video)
2 years ago
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